Feeling right at home in Béziers


What a lovely way to start the day…..

Last Friday, as usual, François and I headed over to the “Marché du Vendredi” after dropping the kids off at school.  It’s a weekly pleasure, going to the market with a list of things we must have to create all of the wonderful little dishes we’ve dreamed up to prepare for our little family, and always coming home with twice as much as we planned.

This time, we came home with more than we expected!  As we stood in line at the butcher, trying to decide on a veal or pork roast, we were greeted in English by a beaming lady from Blog Land!  She asked us if we were American, then introduced herself and her husband.  They’re from New York, and have owned a place here for about ten years.  Just about two years ago, they moved here with their daughter (who happens to be Charlotte’s age!!).  She’s heard about my blog (!) from a friend who also lives here.  Since there’s a big picture of both of us on the main page, she recognized us at the market.  Talk about a small world!

I’m so looking forward to getting together with Ellen and Will for coffee sometime soon, and to meeting more people around and about Béziers. I’ve been toying with the idea of getting together a monthly meeting, at a café or something, for any other anglophones living around here to get to know each other.

8 thoughts on “Feeling right at home in Béziers”

  1. What a nice surprise! How special to connect with people who can really understand where you come from. A monthly meeting with anglophones in the area sounds like an idea worth exploring. After all, the more people you connect with the more homey a place feels. Hopefully when we arrive in a little less than a year, we will be able to make similar connections. I’m pleased to say that I may have found a rental property in Béziers for me and my family too! It is quite close to the Catholic school ‘Sainte Madeleine’ on Boulevard d’Angleterre. Have you heard anything about this school? What about the area? I must confess that I spend a lot of time on Google Maps Street View touring around Béziers and I just love it!

  2. French markets are fabulous! I’ll be wandering around one in two weeks as well. There are lots of other expats in Herault. Have you found the mag. The l’Herault Times? I think a monthly get-together is a great idea. I’ve had these in other countries (Armenia, Moldova). Had a once-a week-drinks with the girls even and that was great. Really miss it now, so will have to start one in Clermont l’Herault when I get there 😉

    1. 2 weeks, how exciting!! You’re right, there are tons of expats in the region. I just found l’Herault Times last week 🙂 I like BBB Midi a lot, too. Clermont l’Herault isn’t far from here at all. What are you going to be doing there??

      1. We’re looking forward to being in France for a longer period of time, to learn more about France, and build an international social life. We have lots of friends all over Europe. I am a writer and my dh is trying out 😉 retirement but still does international consulting work now and again. Yes, BBB Midi is good too.

  3. I’ve tucked a market basket under my arm, and I’m shamelessly following you to the butcher. I’ve bought the pork. I am sure I see lemons,fennel and garlic. How absolutely glorious to shop in manner. Virginia

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