Learn French With Jennifer Blog

Learn French With Jennifer

I am a French teacher, this is what I’ve been doing for 16+ years.  In 2013 I left my job teaching my wonderful high school boys in St. Louis, Missouri, and moved to the Languedoc Region in France with my family.  I am now teaching French and English on Skype, and working hard to build up a blog to help students of French… like you!  Come on over and453103_1369330620.8676 check it out.  Let me know if you find it helpful, or it you have a particular lesson request.

3 thoughts on “Learn French With Jennifer Blog”

  1. Read out loud so my wife could enjoy. All was going just fine until I read the part about “smelling like dog poop”, think she is having second thoughts about visiting France. After living in Orleans south of Paris I can remember the awesome smell of the small bakery just done from where I lived. But on the other side, the smell of coal in the stove providing heat during winter had a horrible smell. I personally love France and plan to visit again and bringing my sweet, beautiful bride with me. Great article!

  2. Dear Jennifer,
    Thanks for your blog. Much to enjoy.
    I’m moving to Beziers at the end of the month and though I was resident in France for several years, I have now been away for a long while and my French is suffering from disuse. The description of your classes sounds interesting and fun. Perhaps that would be something for me to try.
    All the best.


    1. Bonjour James,
      Thanks for the message, and how exciting that you’ll soon be moving to Béziers! I’d be delighted to help you brush up on your French. Feel free to write to me directly at french@lovelearninglanguages.com

      I look forward to hearing from you. Maybe we can have a cup of coffee when you arrive.

      All the best to you, et à bientôt!

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American French teacher, living in France, living the dream.