Tag Archives: goûter

Goûter in the Trunk

Goûter in the Trunk

There’s just nothing better than an afternoon snack of petits pains, nutella, and juice in the trunk of the car. We’d just finished hiking in the Gorge d’Heric.

Maman, how could you forget the goûter???

Oh heaven forbid….  4 o’clock is creeping up slowly and I’ve obviously forgotten about the goûter.  My kids are going to riot.  The goûter.  The God-given right to all children big and small.  4 o’clock snack.  Don’t be mistaken, the goûter is not to be had at 3:45 or even at 5 till 4.  Nope, they don’t call  it the “4 heures” for nothing, and today my darlings, Maman has forgotten.  Off to Panera we go, unless I can come up with something better on the way home.  Think maybe I have some slice-n-bakes in the frigo.