Let the French adventure begin!


It’s kind of hard to believe that this is really going to happen for us.  All of last year we were getting our house on the market, thinking all the while that we would be moving to France during the summer (after the successful sale of our home, of course!).  By now we would have been settled down in the South of France, children would be learning lessons in a French school.  Things sure don’t work out the way we sometimes imagine, do they?

After the heartache of six failed contracts on our home, we now have a rather official looking “sold” sign in the front yard.  The closing won’t be until next week on the 19th, but at this point there’s really no turning back for either parties.  This is going to happen, and we need to find an apartment to live in for six months.  We have negotiated staying in the house until the end of November, giving us time to pack and find a place to live.

Everything now seems so official, and we both hope that we’re making the right decision.  It’s going to be very hard to leave the house where our children have grown and continue to grow up.  We have many, many memories after ten years in our little nest.  The truth is, we really love our house, our home.  I hope I won’t be too emotional on moving day.  After ten months of really being proactive about moving to France, now it seems rather surreal to me.

In many ways I consider us fortunate to not have sold our house in a rush during the summer.  Selling it now will give us the proper opportunity to enjoy our last 6-7 months here and to live through the different emotional stages of such a transition.  It will also give us a chance to save some money, and I’m sure we will be very glad we did!

4 thoughts on “Let the French adventure begin!”

  1. I know it has been an emotional roller coaster and that you probably have very mixed feelings. I am so happy for you and your family. Your children will have such a bigger view of the world than most. I look forward to joining you on your most exciting voyage!!!

    1. Thank you, thank you! You’re right. I know it’s a risk, leaving a life we are comfortable with here in the US to make such a change. I just keep telling myself that anything worth having involves a risk 🙂

  2. Life is made to be lived to the fullest! It is so great to read posts from you again! I hope you can let everyone know how you prepare for such a big move. It would also be awesome to share with us cultural and travel tips. How to “survive” in France as an American, how to understand the French better, things like that.

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