Looks like we’re moving to France!!

Moving to France in 24 days


Visa long séjour


The best news is that over the weekend, we received an offer on our house and signed a contract.  Now we’re just waiting for the building inspector to come through, and if there aren’t any major problems with our house (God, I hope not!), we’re going to close on June 1.  Our buyer said he would only walk away if the inspector found something really bad.  I don’t think that will happen.

But wait…. It’s already May 14!  June 1 is only 18 days away! I’m not complaining.  Just trying to figure out the logistics of the thing.  Departure date for us will be June 7.

1.         Reserve a 20′ container to be at our house by May 27.

2.         Pack up everything in the house, get ready to ship.

3.         Purchase one-way flights.

4.         Sell my car.

5.         Get banking in order.

6.         Figure out how to get a long-stay visa (it takes 21 days apparently, and you                                 have to do it in person at the French consulate in Chicago….. and I don’t have all of the necessary documents…)

7.         Quit my job…..


I’m not sure how it’s all going to happen, but the important thing is that it IS HAPPENING!

15 thoughts on “Looks like we’re moving to France!!”

  1. Yeah!!! I know!!! Thanks for that comment, I needed the pep-talk! Very, very exciting….and also a bit stressful! Cross your fingers with me that there’s nothing really bad about our house that we’re not aware of… I really doubt it though 🙂

  2. Today will be the moment of truth, or probably tonight. The inspection of our house was yesterday. It seems our roof is “shot” and the chimney needs work. Buyer still loves our house… He’ll let us know more today after the inspection of HIS house… The sale is contingent upon the sale of his house. We’re down to 15 days ’til closing. Fingers and toes still crossed!

      1. Yeah, it’s crazy the amount of influence they can have on a buyer…. As for us, we still haven’t heard anything. Waiting is the hardest part. Maybe no news is good news!

  3. Well, that contract fell through on Tuesday (buyer’s contract fell through on HIS house…contingency). BUT! As of this evening, Thursday, we have another contract for MORE money…and these are current renters! Sounds like it’s going to work out after all 🙂

      1. I’m keeping the faith. Sorry, no new posts lately. Too preoccupied. The contract we had fell apart Tuesday b/c the seller’s contract on his home fell apart. But by Thursday night we had another contract. We were so excited… and guess what? Tonight they decided they want something bigger. No deal. But like I said, I’m keeping the faith. There must be something even better waiting for us 🙂 Love your new recipes, btw. I just haven’t had the motivation to comment much lately. Thanks for the support 🙂

      2. Today we are starting a candle lighting process and will throw in some incense just for good measure. Sorry for the difficulty. I know that it must be very stressful. Soon, it will all happen, I just know it!

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